Today is my dad’s birthday. He made it. Unbelievable.
Vacuum cleaner is broken. A plastic part was destroyed. I found some spare parts in the internet. It is not the single plastic part but the whole head. It is a reasonable price. I will order it. Next week it will be working again.
Yesterday in the late afternoon I got quite annoyed by loud music. I was thinking a little bit and I believe it is not the volume but the singer voice what really makes me mad. I cannot stand this Kate Bush smurf tone.
I read a lot. The stoic letters’ book is almost finished. I am starting to feel a little bit bored with repetitive lessons.
Yesterday while swimming I found again that the smartwatch was not measuring the distance. I thought for a couple of seconds and decided to ignore it. I swam the 500m and this is what is important. I mentally calculated the pace and made me happy too.
I have a shoulder-neck pain since some days. I stopped TWYOB and running altogether. Maybe it is due to jumping in the trampolines. Let’s wait a couple of days more.
I met my neighbour on the street. He told me that last Monday, while we were in Catalonia, his wife died. I felt bad. Just before we left last week, I was talking to her about their last holidays in France. I cannot believe how fast this things happen. She told me that her man did not want to drive that much next year and this were their last holidays in France. Unbelievably who died first was not him.